JUAL :!! Murah dan jujur v
BARANG yang ga dijual (Barang impian gw dari baru maen seal)
Dumb Knuckle + 9 (SUKSES!! 3.40 PM 13 June 2011) Yay!!
Death Scyhte (Sjt Craft level 155 +) + 9 = 100k
BR + 9 = 75k
Set Winter Sonata + 0 = 85k
Sepatu olahraga = WAFAT(Pecah)
Red Mariel Wing + 8 = 120k
TGD .G + 7 =wafat (wkwkwk)
Crystal of Snow Princess (sudah menjadi + 9) = 65k
Gracious tail + 9 = 75k
J > Char
Magnecium (Terkenal oleh FGW) smith
@ 300k
tipe Acc + Armor
ad brg koin reset skill job 2
Semua di atas = 450k
Miscellanous Item!!
HTB Ghostbuster + 0 = 75k
TB +9 aspd 6 200 k
Elf Ear + 0 = 75k
Set Ghostbuster (Kec spatu) + 0 = 75k
Set Demon + 0 = 20k
Rooster Tail + 3 = 20k
QBW + 7 = 50k
Bandit Boots + 8 = 50k
BT.DG +7 = 150k
Murderer's claw = 35k
BGM + 8 aspd 6 = 35k
Red Mariel Wing + 8 = 125k
WARNING = Pembelian hrus pake Atm (bukti kertas difoto) jangan M-Banking (Kena tipu FGW dlo)!!
Niat? sms 085764906496
>>Biar Baru buka tapi Gw jujur
Phoenix to Liongz
Shchool T & B to Liongz
Sheep set to Pandafairy
Helm Scorpy SNI to Kelubbink
PEP to jablaysma3
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